2018- A Photo Essay

2018 was an action packed year filled with family members new and old, more mountains than ever before, so many visitors in Ecuador, and travels to Spain, Portugal, and Columbia. Here is my year in review through photos! January- Reached some serious elevation to start the year on the summits of Rucu Pichincha and Pasachoa….

I took the road less traveled by (foot)

Though it is within human nature to hope for smooth sailing adventures, no memorable trip ever went without taking at least one wrong turn. That being said, this year’s trip to USATF Club XC Nationals is one I will remember for a long, long time. Nearly everything about my team’s adventure was spontaneous or disastrous…

May we learn to say “thank you”

“May we learn to say ‘thank you’ to God and to one another. We teach children to do it, and then we forget to do it ourselves!”- Pope Francis As summer draws to a close and the slow pace of the hot months speeds up to the uncontrolled insanity of the school year, I’ve had…